Graphic Design

Although I like to play with creativity, for me graphic design has to be completely functional, that is, one that reaches the target audience and fulfills its goal without too many ornaments that could hinder communication.

Graphic design for El Faro de El Puerto

El Faro de El Puerto is a high-cuisine restaurant in southern Spain. They trusted me to design several gift-cheques, special and take-away menus, among others. Take a look at what we came up with and visit their page to knowmore about them!

Portraits calendar

2020: the cursed year. Back in 2019, a much nicer year, I was commissioned to create a calendar for the following year whose central theme revolved around several vector portrait illustrations of my own

Dental Aldaz Clinics brochure design

During the year 2021, Aldaz Dental Clinics prepared a couple of advertising campaigns to promote the placement of dental implants in the Gipuzkoa area. The campaign reached our target audience, as well as attract new customers in the area.

Circe Magazine

This magazine showcases all my favorite illustrators, designers and photographers. Circe Magazine is a fictional magazine in which I practiced with different layouts, colors and typefaces to put together an editorial project